How to travel from Cincinnati


It is 883 miles from Cincinnati to Boston. You can fly in two hours for about $145, or you can take the bus for $90 but spend 21 hours doing it. Any other alternative would be much, much more expensive.


Well, the cheaper you get, the less likely you are to be quick. Here's some options in order from cheapest to most expensive.

  • Hitchhiking. The cheapest option since it's technically free. It's highly likely that you'll take quite some time getting there, however. It's not the safest option either, especially for solo travellers. (As suggested by @MichaelHampton in the comments.)

  • Bus. Taking a bus, like a Greyhound, can run as cheap as $113. Sites like Wanderu can help you compare bus schedules. It'll take somewhere in the neighborhood of 20+ hours, depending on the schedule. Rome2rio claims you can do the trip for $85.

  • Train. If you can get to Cleveland, there's a once daily Amtrack train to Boston via Buffalo, the Lakeshore Limited. It takes 13 hours. Costs depends on how far out you book; tomorrow is $150 but a random Wednesday in August was $80.

  • Plane. You can get to Boston in a very roundabout way by flying Cincinnati-Washington and then Washington-Boston with American Airlines. I picked a random Wednesday in September when doing my flight search, and it cost $147. Total travel time varies depending on how long the layover is; flying time is 3 hours.

Other options like chartering a jet are clearly more expensive.

I've not included just driving, mostly because I have no idea how much gas would cost.

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