United WiFi Outside of Continental US


You've got it right. United uses a few different WiFi providers depending on the aircraft. For 737-800 flights south of the US-Mexico border, there is no coverage, and the internet will stop working not long after departure from Houston. They should make an announcement to this effect at some point on board, but there's no point in purchasing WiFi for such a short period of time.


As you've said, United uses different WiFi systems on different aircraft, and the system (currently) used on 737-800 does indeed only provide internet access whilst (roughly) over the continental US.

However WiFi access is available for the entire flight.

Whilst many people conflate "wifi" and "internet" to be the same thing, they are very different - especially on United flights where WiFi is usable even without internet access to access things like streaming Movies/TV/etc and flight details. These features DO continue to function even when outside of the continental US.

Internet access, which is accessed via the same WiFi system, is as mentioned only available when (roughly) over the continental US.

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