Will not stay longest to the issuing country - Schengen Visa


There is a good chance that this will go unnoticed. However the downsides of it being noticed are quite severe, possibly including cancelation of the visa and/or it becoming much harder to get similar visas in the future. The only upside to you making the change to the itinerary are a saving in cost.

If you have a good reason for making a change then authorities are pretty reasonable. But your reason is not good. Your only justification is to save a bit of money. How come you didn't research costs before you applied for the visa? If cost is your main consideration France, an expensive country, might not be my first choice. This looks to the visa authorities like visa shopping and they don't like that.

My advice would be to stick with your original itinerary, even it costs a bit more, When you applied for the visa you thought you could afford it. Don't risk a visa cancelation just to save a bit of money.

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