86 Day Internship in Germany


Accepted answer

What type of visa is it? Field: type: 'C' or 'D'? What is written in the field remarks?

It is type C visa. Remarks are besuchs geschaft visum / keit nicht gestatet

  • "ErwerbstΓ€tigkeit nicht gestattet"
    • "Gainful employment not permitted"


Yeah but I cant apply national visa because of 90 day rule as you know. It is like bug because bundesagentur invited me.

You must apply for a D (National) Visa, with the paper you have from the ZAV.
A D Visa can be issued for any period up to 1 year. It is only the C Visa that allows only visits based on the 90 days rule.

But my ZAV letter includes 86 days so I thought that they will not give me 90+ days visa. Can I apply national visa with this letter? and I guess zav gives permission voluntary internship up to 90 days. (I am not sure about that)

They can issue a D Visa for less than 90 days if they wanted to. What is important with a National visa is that it can include the permission to work (stated in the remarks field) in the country that issued it.

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