Ryanair cabin baggage & MacBook 15"


Accepted answer

I have flown Ryanair at least 10 times under the new hand luggage policy and I never had a problem bringing my laptop on-board in a slightly over-sized "small bag" (while gate-checking a suitcase as carry-on).

At some airports even the manual bag tags advise you to take out your valuables and lithium batteries: enter image description here

Regarding where to put your laptop/bag on the plane, I don't see a problem with placing it under the seat in front of you. If you place it in the overhead lockers and the plane is packed with suitcases, the flight attendants might ask you to take it out again.

Be aware the main priority for Ryanair staff is to turn around the plane as quickly as possible. So if you are not obviously breaking rules and are not in the way of their procedures, they typically don't care.

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