Your friend is in a tough position: tourist visas cannot be extended while in India. The rare exceptions are those granted to individuals of Indian origin, or those who encounter an emergency (medical, stolen passport and, in it, the visa needed to exit). Failing to understand that the duration of visa began when it was issued in November is not considered a valid reason.
Your friend can try for a 14-day extension at the Ministry of Home Affairs in Delhi, 26 Jaisalmer House, Man Singh Rd, 011-23385748 [email protected]
Another alternative is the Foreignersβ Regional Registration Office, Level 2, East Block 8, Sector 1, Rama Krishna Puram, Delhi, 011-26195530 [email protected]
While there are FRRO regional offices, it appears much less likely that one would grant an extension.
In preparation, your friend needs to have in hand a photocopy of her passport information page and visa page, a confirmed air ticket, and a passport-size photo.