Brazilian: getting another student visa in Schengen


Accepted answer

While it might be considered like an extended trip and in fact corresponds to the maximum length of time allowed under visitors visa in the US or UK for example, a 180-day stay in the Schengen area falls under completely different rules, more akin to those for long-term residence. This means that everything you are reading about short stays (the Schengen rules, the 90/180 limit, the visa waiver agreement) does not apply here.

Until now that person had a national long-stay visa and she will need another one to come for another 180-day period. As far as the Schengen rules are concerned, Malta is completely free to issue two of those back-to-back and whether they had be willing to depends solely on Maltese law.

Interestingly, she could also come back immediately for up to 90 days under short-stay rules because time spent under a national long-stay visa does not count as far as the Schengen regulations are concerned. Those things are entirely separate.

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