How to get from Antwerp to Breskens by bus (or other transport) but not train?


If you want to avoid Middelburg, you may travel like so by public transport:

  1. Train from Antwerpen Centraal to Gent St Pieters
  2. Train from Gent St Pieters to Knokke-Heist Duinbergen
  3. Short walk from the Duinbergen train station to the De Lijn bus station (10 min)
  4. Bus De Lijn 814 from Knokke-Heist to Breskens

This should take you around 3h30, so only 30 minutes more than through Middelburg.

Another, cheaper option is to take buses:

  1. Bus Connexxion 19 from Antwerpen, Metrostation Halewijnlaan to Hulst, Busstation
  2. Bus Connexxion 20, 660 from Hulst, Busstation to Terneuzen, Busstation WST
  3. Bus Connexxion 1 from Terneuzen, Busstation WST to Oostburg, Watertoren
  4. Bus Connexxion 42 from Oostburg, Watertoren to Breskens

You might also want to ride a bike: it's flat and it will take you a little less than taking the buses (about 4 hours).

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