China: Limitations on frequency of applying for L tourist visa


I applied and got an 30 day L visa for China in August 2014, while in the country I got an extension for another 30 days.

Last week (late July 2015) I applied for a new 30 day L visa for China in Hong Kong, the guys at the agency I used said it is likely the request will be refused and they recommended applying for a 15 days visa which will be more likely to be issued. They said the fact that I already spent 60 days last year, could be a problem.

It turned out I got my two entries 30 days each L visa, but the agency guys said I should consider myself very lucky.

It seems at least here in Asia they only issue 30 days L visas.

You are planning to go three times within 12 months for more than 30 days each time. From my experiences here, that will be very difficult.

You should check with the Chinese consulate section in your country and ask them about it. Maybe you can get a 12 month visa with multiple entries.

A second passport may be helpful as well.

I've heard that already having a previous Chinese visa would be helpful, but in my case it was less than a year ago and from what I've been told at the visa agency it is not helpful at all.

P.S. I have a German passport

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