Travelling on a Two-Entry Schengen Visa


  1. I already answered question 1 in my answer to your earlier question. In the regulation (the actual legal text), there is a distinction between one-entry and two-entry visas on the one hand and multiple-entry visas on the other hand. While “several” does imply “more than two” in English, the terminology “several-entry visa” is not used.

  2. You can always apply, the risk would be that the consulate declines to process the application (most likely, nothing lost) or even rejects it (in this case you would lose the visa fee and there would be a record of the rejection). If they do annul your current visa, they can issue a new visa starting before the end of the current one so that might actually solve your problem.

  3. Always detail your plan as completely as possible to ensure you get the right visa and can't be accused of fraud.

If you still have doubts regarding the terminology, article 15 (2) of the Schengen visa code reads:

Applicants for a uniform visa for more than two entries (multiple entries) shall prove that they are in possession of adequate and valid travel medical insurance covering the period of their first intended visit.

and article 24 includes the sentence

A visa may be issued for one, two or multiple entries.

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