Where and when is the local "holiday" celebrating Vercengetorix in France?


Accepted answer

The correct spelling seems to be Vercingetorix

This story from NPR, How Gaul-ing! Celebrating France's First Resistance Fighter states:

The village of Alise-Sainte-Reine sits on a hilltop believed to be the former Gallic stronghold of Alesia, and each summer, it holds a festival celebrating Vercingetorix. Just as there is in the comic book Asterix and Obelix, there is music, drink and wild boar roasting on a spit.

This would seem to be the celebration that you are looking for.

Here is the official site of the museum MusΓ©oParc AlΓ©sia in Alise-Sainte-Reine

This sub page lists the festivals Les Estivales - du 8 juillet au 1er septembre in 2023

And La Guerre des Gaules may be what you are looking for.

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