Is it possible to see the US side of Lake Ontario from the top of the CN Tower?


Accepted answer

According to the view calculated by (an excellent resource for these sorts of questions), the far side of Lake Ontario should indeed be visible on a clear day. Note that the Niagara Escarpment, a substantial terrain feature (for that part of the world), runs roughly parallel to the shore of Lake Ontario on its southern shore; what land you can see on the far side (if any) will probably be part of this escarpment.

The panorama on the Wikipedia page may in fact show some of the terrain on the far side; a straight line extended from the CN Tower past Centre Island should intersect the US side, and there does appear to be a narrow dark shape on the horizon there. However, given that the panorama appears to be assembled from multiple exposures, it is not entirely clear that the "terrain" visible is not just distortion or haze.

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