Can someone enter the U.K. visa-free after being denied a visitor visa


Accepted answer

Can he be let in? Yes, definitely!

However, he will be confronted at the border about his visa refusal, and will need to bring every piece of documentation he can to address whatever issue caused the visa rejection.

For example, if he was refused based on lack of ties to the US, he needs all documentation proving ties to the US, such as proof of family, apartment contract, proof of his upcoming enrollment in school...all of it, everything there is.

Please upload his refusal letter, blacking out personal details, so we can establish the root of this.

UPDATE: Your boyfriend will need to be bloody well-prepared if going the visa-free route, and to be honest with you, you should at the very least shorten his visit to absolutely no more than 2 months (in other words, he should modify his return ticket), and then he should wait at least a year before entering the UK for any extended period of time.

Like I said, prepare anything and everything proving the following in particular:

  1. that he has access to sufficient financial resource exclusively available to him (important, as they got him on this), making it plausible he won't work or claim benefits;
  2. that his circumstances will force him to return to the US, and that he will do so within the stated period of time.

Also bring the original visa refusal letter.

Then he should be prepared for hours of detention, because like I said, while they may well land him (local jargon for admitting someone) if he does this exactly right, they almost certainly won't do so summarily. Have a look at this post, and not least the "DOCUMENTS I CARRIED ALONG" section.

Like I said, this is doable at least if cutting down the visit to max 2 months (ideally 1 month), but he needs to be bloody well-prepared.

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