Lonely Planet: pocket version or the big version?


Accepted answer

Lonely Planet actually has three separate guides for Rome:

  • Pocket Rome: small and compact, intended for short trips (long weekend or so), focuses only on top attractions and cuts out eg. all lodging information.
  • Rome City Guide: the full-length city guide, dense and packed full of information, mostly black & white, standalone guide for long stays
  • Discover Rome: full-color, abridged version of the city guide that strikes a balance between the two

My rule of thumb used be that I'd get the pocket guide to carry around for short trip, or the city guide if I'm going to stay for a long time and/or want to do exhaustive research beforehand. These days, though, I rarely bring along guidebooks and only use them for research and getting an idea of the place before I go.

Obligatory disclaimer: I used to work for Lonely Planet, but I no longer do and this represents my opinion only.


In the past I would have said the big one, as it contains a lot of practical information and mostly that on hostels was hard to get any other way.

But as you do use booking.com hostel information is easy to get.

I would likely go for the smaller version and look up information on internet, or do without a book and make notes from internet.

The big LP books get very heavy in the longer run, it often was the most heavy single piece in my luggage.

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