Is immediate reapplication fruitful for UK business visit with more documents as evidence?


Why would a university's credibility be challenged? Well, reading the refusal notice, the question that jumps to mind is... Has the university sponsored visitors in the past who have abused their visas? When this happens, the sponsor loses credibility and will find it difficult to sponsor people in the future. Of course this is not your fault and possibly not even the university's fault, but if the university has stepped forward in the past to sponsor someone and the person absconded or in some other way engaged in abuse, and there is a clear pattern associated with it, then yes, the decision-maker will take this in to account. I emphatically repeat: they would need a clear pattern before taking a step like this (and apparently they have one).

Secondarily, the university proposes to send 15 female delegates for a period of 7 days to take a 20 hour course that isn't part of the curriculum. Not very believable is it? The combined air fare and lodging alone amounts to what? GBP 30,000? Where does a university find that kind of money? At that rate the university could hire the instructor for a week to teach a localised version of the course in Pakistan and still save money. Criminey, for 30k, even I would go for a week and teach it.

They refused for several reasons, the primary hit was on V4.3, namely they do not trust the university that is sponsoring you. I don't think sending more documents is going to fix the problems here, and I would suggest deferring your next application until a believable premise and reliable sponsorship can be found. The university should find out why and where the credibility problems arose and fix them; they should instruct legal counsel in the UK to provide representation if comparable resources do not exist in Pakistan.

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