What is this parking lot next to the Otay crossing between Mexico and the United States?


Accepted answer

That parking is the US CBP parking. It is not open to the public. Next to that is parking for visitors to CBP (by appointment only).

There are some large privately owned parking lots available to the public for a fee ($10-$15 per day, including overnights, from memory). These can be VERY cramped and somewhat difficult to park in, but a lot of people use them and I've not heard of any issues. These are marked on your map as "Tello's Parking" and "Plaza Parking". From memory these are dirt lots. Sometimes they give you a specific place to park (although they don't really seem to care if you can't park there), sometimes they just expect you to cruise around the lots until you can find one you fit into.

enter image description here

Following on from @mkennedy's comment, this is roughly the path you'd take if you chose to park your car at Otay Mesa and walk across the border. (Some of my locations/paths may be slightly incorrect as it's hard to tell from an aerial shot quite where you may have walked in the past 😁 but you get the general idea)

enter image description here

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Midavalo's answer is correct, I'll add the sign posted at the entrance of the parking lot:

enter image description here

Also to get Uber on the Mexican side, one has to walk father than what Midavalo's map indicates: one has to walk till the red rectangle shown on the following map (about 300 meters further):

enter image description here

(Because Ubers can't enter Acceso Aduana)

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