UK Stamp: Leave to Enter Until


I am a retired UK IO. The law doesn’t allow me to give specific immigration advice unless I am registered as an immigration advisor (which I am not).

That said, as others have commented the length of time away from Malaysia and frequency of your visits would raise concerns in many an IOs mind. If you are working how are you able to take so much time off? If you are not working, how do you support yourself financially for months at a time etc? (No need to answer that, I just flag it up as a potential issue).

You should contact a registered immigration advisor or approach UK Visas & Immigration for proper advice about future admissibility.


You entered the UK three times in less than three months. You spent just under 40 days there in all, in between hopping over to other European countries and apparently with no firm plan to return home since you did not have a flight booked when you returned to the UK for the third time.

In the eyes of the Immigration Officer your pattern of travel would have looked unusual; it probably signalled that:

  • you don’t have a compelling reason to go back to Malaysia and/or
  • you may be attempting to use visa-free entry as a visitor to base yourself in the UK.

The IO probably strongly suspected that your latest entry attempt was not consistent with the ‘genuine visitor requirement’ of the Immigration Rules relating to visitors, but presumably gave you the benefit of the doubt by allowing you to (based on your comment) enter for a very brief period to collect your belongings at your family’s home once you had booked your flight back to Malaysia.

  • V 4.2. The applicant must satisfy the decision maker that they are a genuine visitor, which means the applicant:

(a) will leave the UK at the end of their visit; and

(b) will not live in the UK for extended periods through frequent or successive visits, or make the UK their main home;

You don’t explain in your question why you needed to travel to the UK so frequently, although in a comment you mention having a family home there. Big red flag. IMHO attempting to return to the UK as a visitor a little more than a month after having your third entry attempt curtailed is asking for trouble. It’s very possible that you would indeed be denied entry. If I were you I would change your travel plans for June to exclude the UK, and I would not attempt to return there for quite some time.

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