are any Paris Metro stations outside zones 1-3?


Accepted answer

Based on the RATP map of Paris transportation lines: No, there aren't any Metro stations outside of zones 1-3.

In fact, the Metro network is almost entirely within zones 1 and 2, there are just a few lines which extend into zone 3 for their final couple of stops.

As for why this is relevant... if every destination you're going to be visiting in Paris can be accessed through numbered routes then that means that a Paris Tour travel pass for zones 1-3 would be sufficient vs the more expensive zones 1-5 pass.

I think you'd be better making this decision based on looking where your intended destinations are rather than abstracting to whether or not the Metro in general goes outside of zone 3. What if one of your destinations isn't on a Metro line? Last time I visited Paris there were multiple places I visited which were best reached by tram or bus. They were all within zones 1-3, but knowing there are no zone 4 metro stations wouldn't have told you that!


To add to the previous answer :

The Metro line 14 is set to open its connection down to Orly Airport in 2024, which would be firmly in Zone 4

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