Why do some fields have no weeds?


Accepted answer

It does look like animals (including wild animals) are grazing on this field. It's also possible that some animals were brought there especially to maintain the landscape (β€œconservation grazing”). In that case, you wouldn't expect to see animals most of the time and, since feeding is not the main purpose of the land, it does not exhibit some features typical of more intensive pasture (limited forest cover, etc.)

In any case, even regular pasture is rarely densely populated. You need to allow time for the vegetation to recover, enough space for the animals to move around. Some animals will also be somewhere else (e.g. for milking, calving, shearing, slaughtering, etc.) and in some seasons you won't see many animals even in regions with open landscape and large herds.

Finally, some areas (entire regions e.g. in Ireland or more limited areas elsewhere) are too wet for grass and ultimately forest cover to develop. From a distance, they can look like a mowed lawn.

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