Major museum for traditional arts in China akin to France's Louvre


Accepted answer

The collection at the National Palace Museum on Taiwan is quite extensive. The KMT removed most of those items in their retreat to Taiwan in 1949, and they tend to represent the best of the best.

The Museum is in central Taipei with a southern branch. Currently, general adult entry costs NT350 or about USD $11.50.

The Palace Museum (which originally held many of those objects) in Beijing costs CNY 60 for summmer entry or about $9 USD. Both are interesting and worth a visit.


For the sake of putting in the first answer, you should surely rock on over to the

Shanghai Museum

enter image description here

In China, Beijing is the statist, goverment city, and Shanghai is the groovy commercial city. (A bit like, say, Washington V. Los Angeles, or Canberra V. Melbourne, or Brussels V. Berlin.)

@MichaelSeifert has already mentioned the big one in Beijing, but I recommend the Shanghai Museum.

China's "museum boom" of the last decade...

China, as the ultimate nouveau riche entity on the planet, has gone through it's "museum boom" (you can read endless ... sarcastic ... articles on this by Westerners who don't like having it pointed out that museums are pretentious), so, your desire for cultural artifacts will be well catered-for in all major cities.

Simply click to wikipedia to get an idea of the absurdly large collection of Culture on hand at the Shanghai mega-Museum. It's the of culture.

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