Potential gastric problems in China


Accepted answer

I went to China and didn't have a single problem. There are a few measures you can take to avoid problems:

  1. Wash your hands carefully (I guess this is applicable everywhere).

  2. Don't go and eat directly too exotic foods. Leave a bit of time to your body to get used to Asian food.

  3. Alternate food you are used to with more exotic food so that the shock for your stomach isn't too hard

  4. Avoid fresh fruits and vegetables, at least at the beginning. Rather opt for cooked ones.

  5. Take with you some medicines so that if you run into problems, you have a faster recovery.

  6. Only drink water from sealed bottles.


I visited several places in China and had no problems. I will admit that I stayed in some nice hotels and took the obvious precaution of drinking bottled water.

That said, general hygiene considerations such as washing your hands and then being aware of what you are touching afterwards is important. The door handle for the toilet being one thing to watch out for, and the actual table surface. It may be wiped down regularly, but the cloth used might not be 'fresh'.

Some towns/places I visited had basic toilet facilities, so I advise having hand wipes or cleansing spray with you. Better to be safe than sorry!

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