Sightseeing in the Dakotas without a car


Accepted answer

I may be off my rocker here but why would you need to buy a car to drive one? There are bus tours of South Dakota:

But I think the simplest option would be to rent a car:

I mean if you have an indefinite amount of time you can certainly walk the Dakotas.


I meet 3 tourists from Switzerland who where on a 6 months bike tour across the states; if that is your kind of thing and you are up for the challenge. Get a (good) used one and it might even be cheaper than a bus tour.

Or you can catch a lift from Phoenix towards Dakota, meet new people and still get around without your own car. However make sure you don't end you trip in a small village without a bus connection if you hitchhike, otherwise you will have a really hard time getting out of there again :)

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