How safe is Vesterbro, Copenhagen?


It is a safe as any other major city; just use common sense.

Keep your valuables in the hotel safe (carry photocopie of your passport for example).

In areas with a lot of people, always keep an eye on your stuff (wallet, bags...).

Do not look like a tourist... dress smart (as European mostly do).

Obvious: Do not participate in prostitution, do not participate in drug dealings...

Other than that, have fun, enjoy.


With the hotel being in the middle of the Copenhagen red light district, it can't be a great surprise that it's noisy outside at night.

In this area, you are also most likely to see both prostitutes, drug addicts and dealers hanging around. I might be ignorant and wouldn't consider any place in Copenhagen to be unsafe, but is there a particular reason why you assume that these persons are a threat to your safety?

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