Power plugs in Sri Lanka


Accepted answer

Yes, you can use a Europe (type C) adaptor with type D sockets.

The reason E and F plugs are unsafe with a type D socket is that the ground (earth) connection will not be made. If the manufacturer of an appliance has determined that a ground connection is necessary for a particular appliance, then it will be unsafe if used with a type D socket. This usually only applies to appliances with a metal outer case, where a loose connection inside the appliance could cause the outer case to become "hot". With a proper ground connection, the current would flow to the ground and not through the user (and would probably trip a circuit breaker too).

If you're just charging your smartphone, then you'll probably be fine with a C and a G adaptor (no ground connection is required for low-power chargers). (However, I've never been to Sri Lanka so I can't comment on the types of plugs you'll actually find.)


Sri Lanka was using Plug Type D and have recently converted to Type G. It is illegal to sell Type D plugged appliances in electrical shops, but some hotels and houses may still use Type D. Best advice is to visit an "Arpico" shop and buy two Muliti Sockets Type D and Type G-it will cost around Rs 200 each.enter image description here

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As long as your application uses 220v electricity, you're good to go. Don't worry about the type of socket, just purchase one of these>

enter image description here

They are commonly called multiplugs, and cost around Rs. 100-200 here.

Disclaimer: I am not an expert on the safety aspects, but I use all my laptops, phones and other stuff using these, and it works fine. It has been so for the past 20 years.

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