How to judge a budget hotel's safety standards?


Accepted answer


  • read reviews and search them for your keywords, e.g. "fire alarm", "escape routes", ...
  • check the hotel website for information on the property and make your own guesses. I would be more concerned about earthquakes in a high-rise hotel than in a wooden bungalow on the beach, whereas in the latter a tsunami might frighten you more

at the hotel: fire

  • upon check-in inquire with the receptionist about safety standards and precautions. this might not change anything for you but maybe make them more sensitive in the long run. it'll also give you a first idea
  • check if there are smoke detectors, request to have a room with a working smoke detector if possible
  • check escape routes on the floor plan and do walk them, make sure they are unobstructed, easy to find, and well-signaled even in the dark. report any objections you may find to management and request to have a room with an easy escape path.

at the hotel: theft and burglary

  • do check the in-room safe (if existing) on how much you would trust it, check the doors and windows and other possible entrances on how easy it is to get. act accordingly
  • don't have valuables with you on the trip or do store them safely

And in general, don't overthink it, in most of the cases things go smoothly, you do often get what you pay for but I've had great stays in simple huts in the jungle, and have a good trip.

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