How did the "Forty Niners" get to California in 1849?


Accepted answer

The numbers can only be estimated, and that is especially difficult for the overland arrivals. There is some basis for the arrivals by sea in that the only major port, San Francisco, did try to keep records.

Clay and Jones (2008) estimate that in 1848-50 there were over 101,000 overland immigrants and likely over 75,000 by sea, or perhaps 60% by land.

Wright (1940) agrees that in that early period the majority arrived overland. She points out that while in 1849 about 70% of the arrivals by sea came via Cape Horn, just the next year only 45% did, the majority going via the Isthmus of Panana. In following years arrivals by sea dominated over those by land (until the transcontinental railroad was completed), and the route across Panama was more popular than the Horn for travel (but not freight).

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