Is the assertion that the A-bomb deterred Stalin plausible?


I think that the answer to this question lies in a lack of precision: "Deterred Stalin" of what?. What was the actions that the USA thought Stalin would not do because of the A-Bomb being demonstrated?

The possible actions form a very large span if you don't precise the objective of the USA and/or Stalin:

  • Attacking the USA?
  • Attacking Tchang Kai Chek?
  • Conquering Japan?
  • Attacking Western Europe?


What were Joseph Stalin's reactions to the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
Stalin knew all about the Manhattan project thanks to his spies. He was, however, rather surprised by the deployment of the atomic bomb and its effect. He had in fact planned to attack the Anglo Americans and not stop until he reached the English channel. The use of the atomic bomb and the belief that the US was mass producing them led him to cancel those plans.

That has always been claimed, but never proven.

One can certainly assume that had the Normandy invasion failed they would have continued on to the English channel.

The war in Europe came to an end 3 months before the use of the atomic bomb.

Stalin was realistic enough to know that at this point of time (May 1945) a direct conflict with the US was not feasible, since it was the US that supplied most of the Red Army at that point.

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