Did collective punishment of families occur during the French Revolution?


The only thing you needed to be sentenced to death in the Great Terror was to be found as an "Enemy of the People". This doesn't provide a lot of restriction that would spare relatives of another Enemy, and their supposed hostility might provide reason to declare them an Enemy in turn.

Certainly the King and Queen were both executed when their time came.

From Google Answers:

In "Le Quid" (famous french encyclopedy) they wrote about a book called "histoire gΓ©nΓ©rale et impartiale de la rΓ©volution" written in 1797, that stated 2567 women were killed by guillotine (the book wrote that 18613 people were killed by guillotine during the Revolution)

The 2567 are :
- 750 women
- 1467 married to a farmer or handworker
- 350 religious women ("religieuses")

Strange categories but in 1797 they probably used different social categories than now.

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