Did Man Ray photograph Nimet Eloui Bey in the all together?


Your question was helpful for my own research on Lee Miller. Nimet Eloui born Khairy was alive in 1935. After divorcing Aziz Eloui (who married Lee Miller) she eventually married a Russian prince, Nikolay Mestchersky (spelling varies). She died on 4 August 1942 and is buried in the Russian Orthodox cemetery of Sainte-Genevieve-des-Bois about 40km south of Paris under the name Irina (Nimet) Mestchersky (with this spelling) born Khairy. (see enlarged tombstone to verify) This is her grave, and this is a picture of the plaque. Personally I can't swear to recognize her in Man Rays' study of nude, but she wasn't dead, nor did she commit suicide.

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