What became of the plan to partition Angola?



I know that there was supposed to be an American plan in the 1970s to split Angola, more-or-less "along the 11th parallel" (actually along the line of the Benguela railway) after the Portuguese left. At the time (1975/76), Operation Savannah by the South African Defence Force (SADF) was supposed to be in support of this plan. The plan is mentioned by Andrew Sardanis in his book A Venture in Africa: The Challenges of African Business

I hadn't heard that the plan had been revived in the 1990s, but I suppose it is possible. However, by that point Namibia had gained its independence and South Africa was emerging from the shadow of Apartheid. The first of the major peace agreements that would end the civil war and move Angola towards a multi-party democracy (initially under the supervision of the UN) was signed in mid 1991. It is difficult to see how a plan to partition Angola would receive much support under those circumstances.

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