Was there a plan to use nuclear weapons for terrain modification in North America?


Accepted answer

It was Project Chariot, in Alaska. A good book about it is the Firecracker Boys, I recommend you read it if you are interested in the subject. I think it was cancelled because conservationists and Alaska Natives brought it to the attention of the general public, and it would have been a disaster. The proponents were perfectly willing to try it (they had their own reasons, related to the "Atoms for Peace project"/Operation Ploughshare) and did not really care much about the long-term consequences.


Many similar bad ideas are discussed in this article: http://motherboard.vice.com/blog/the-u-s-s-insane-attempt-to-build-a-harbor-with-a-two-megaton-nuclear-bomb

Atomics to dredge harbors, release natural gas from underground reservoirs, generate steam. So many ill-conceived plans.


Not Canada, but Alaska. In 1958 "Project Chariot" was the idea to use several nuclear explosions to build a harbour at Cape Thompson, Alaska. It was part of a series of ideas to use nuclear explosions for non-military, commercial purposes. The series was called "Operation Plowshare".


Project Chariot

Operation Plowshare

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