Forming an LLC in California involves several costs. The primary expense is the filing fee, which is currently $70. There is also an additional fee of $5 for a certified copy of the Articles of Organization.
In addition to the state filing fees, there are ongoing costs associated with maintaining an LLC in California. LLCs are required to file a Statement of Information every two years, which has a filing fee of $20. There is also an $800 annual tax that must be paid to the state of California for the privilege of doing business there.
It's important to note that these are just the state-level costs. There may be additional expenses associated with obtaining any necessary business licenses, permits, or professional services, such as legal or accounting advice.
It's important to budget for these expenses when starting an LLC in California. It's also a good idea to consult with a legal or financial professional to ensure that you understand all of the costs involved in forming and maintaining an LLC in the state.