The capitalized YOU is used to disambiguate singular vs. plural usage. While unclear in English, the difference between singular and plural usage is clear in the original Greek sources of these texts.
It also makes a distinction between the singular and plural in the 2nd person personal pronoun: "you" is singular, and "YOU" is plural. In English, the word "you" is both singular and plural; in Greek, however, there is a clear distinction. The NWT has used this method to try and preserve this distinction. -- THE NEW WORLD TRANSLATION; A Critical Analysis by Al Maxey
This feature is explained in the Introduction section at the front of the New World Translation. It is used to differentiate between singular and plural "you". If the subject is plural, small caps "YOU" is used.
SECOND PERSON PLURALS: Where βYOUβ is printed in small capital letters, it shows that the pronoun is plural. Also, where the plural number of a verb is not apparent, its plurality is indicated by printing it in small capital letters. If the context already clearly indicates plurality, then no special capitalization is used.
This feature was removed in the 2013 edition of the New World Translation.