What is omitted from the current Western, Catholic Psalter?


Accepted answer

The following is a list of omitted verses and Chapters from the four week plaster, currently in use. It follows modern numbering. Not Septuagint numbering.

Psalms Omitted Completely:

  • Psalm 58
  • Psalm 83
  • Psalm 109

Verses Omitted from Particular Psalms:

  • Psalm 5: 11
  • Psalm 21: 9-13
  • Psalm 28: 4-5
  • Psalm 31: 18-19
  • Psalm 40: 15-16
  • Psalm 54: 7
  • Psalm 55: 16
  • Psalm 56: 8
  • Psalm 69: 23-29
  • Psalm 72: 20
  • Psalm 79: 6-7,12
  • Psalm 110: 6
  • Psalm 137: 7-9
  • Psalm 139: 19-22
  • Psalm 140: 10-12
  • Psalm 141: 10
  • Psalm 143: 12

Source: Psalms and Verses Omitted from the Four-Week Psalter Compiled by Fr. Felix Just, S.J., Ph.D.


Which Psalter specifically are you talking about? The Monastic Breviary? Roman Breviary (and which one specifically?) or the Novus Ordo Breviary (which uses the Nova Vulgata for its Psalter)?

As far as I am aware there is nothing missing; the whole point of praying the entire Psalter every week was to pray the full 150 psalms together.

Everything was included in the past; it was tradition to pray the entire 150 psalms. Now, granted some psalms were only prayed once, while some others might have been repeated. There were some weeks due to several festivities that they would not all be prayed, but this was largely restored after Leo XIII by re-fixing only very specific Saints who had a higher ranking. This was largely done in the Roman Breviary because this was never really a problem in the Monastic Breviary.

You can see the various versions of the Divine Office from pre-Tridentine all the way up to the "1960 Newcalendar" version here.

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