What is the significance of Palm branches?


Accepted answer

The tradition of palm branches on Palm Sunday actually originates with the Jewish festival of Sukkoth, also called the Festival of the Tabernacles or Booths, which was probably the most popular holiday among the Jews in the first century. In the observance of Sukkoth, worshippers processed through Jerusalem and in the Temple, waving in their right hands something called a lulab, which was a bunch of leafy branches made of willow, myrtle and palm. As they waved these branches in that procession, the worshippers recited words from Psalm 118, the psalm normally used at Sukkoth. Among these words were "Save us, we beseech you, O Lord." Save us in Hebrew is hosianna or hosanna. This is typically followed by “Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord. (Ps 118:25–6).”

John Shelby Spong says, in Jesus for the NonReligious, page 153, says that Mark transferred the Sukkoth traditions from autumn to the Passover season and adapted them to the Palm Sunday story. Mark 11:8–9 tells us:

Many people spread their cloaks on the road, and others spread leafy branches that they had cut from the fields. Those preceding him as well as those following kept crying out: "Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!

The author of Matthew omitted the word 'leafy', perhaps a sign that he was aware that this was the wrong season for leafy branches (excepts palms), and the King James Bible also omits the word in Mark's Gospel. Which brings us to John's Gospel. Its author aware that just before the Passover was too early for the leafy branches of Sukkoth, John 12:12–13 clearly states that they cut down palm branches, creating the basis for the Palm Sunday tradition.


According to the Babylon Talmud the walls of the second temple were carved throughout with cherubim, palms, and open-faced flowers (inspired by Ezekiel's vision), and overlaid with gold. To the Jews the palms are a celebratory symbol that God, the victorious one, tabernacles with humanity. It wasn't the season for Sukkot, but those recognizing Jesus as messiah appropriately welcomed him with the same understanding and celebration. The culture at large recognized it like we would associate fireworks with Independence Day. From our perspective it's a little easier to comprehend... Jesus was not on earth to stay and reign (tabernacle) with humanity yet. Passover (crucifixion), First Fruits (reserrection), and Shavout (Pentecost) have been fulfilled, and Jesus will fulfill the feast of Trumpets and Sukkot when he returns for his bride.

Edit: 1 Kings says they were also carved throughout Solomon's temple.

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