Who are the people who attempts to enter heaven but aren't able?


Accepted answer

The Greek language, which is the language of the original text, is not as specific as English when it comes to definitions. Much of the language results from context during a conversation, body language and tone, which is not transferred well to the writing languages.

The greek word translated as "strength" can also mean,“to be able,” “to be capable,” “capacity,” “power,” “strength.”

The word, no matter which you use, matches perfectly with Catholic views on infused righteousness. We must Persevere to the end, We must transform ourselves and strengthen our faith, and be obedient to Gods Word, who is Jesus Christ. This is not an easy thing to do, many will fail despite the fact that they want the rewards of heaven. Faith Alone for example teaches that a person is saved by faith alone. It is easy to have faith, but much harder to be obedient to that faith. This is why Catholics always ask for help from the Saints and point to their examples of sacrifice and dedication.

From a Catholic perspective, being able to to enter into that gate, has much to do with fallowing the precepts of the Catholic Church, something that takes Strength, Power and capability to be able to do.

Jesus is speaking to the Church. He is speaking to those sitting in the Catholic pews on Sunday and to the Priests, to those who have left the Church, to those who disagree with the dogmas of the Church, to those who are not obedient to Church teaching, to those outside the Church in any capacity including Separated Brethren. The Church is Christs Body and he is the head, we should do everything we can to enter that narrow Gate.


The Church's official translation, St. Jerome's Vulgate, says for Luke 13:24:

Contendite intrare per angustam portam : quia multi, dico vobis, quaerent intrare, et non poterunt.

Strive to enter by the narrow gate; for many, I say to you, shall seek to enter, and shall not be able.

"To be unable" is not the same as "not to be strong enough". (For example, a rock is unable to see; it'd be ridiculous to say a rock could see if were strong enough.)

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