Theology of self-realisation of God?


Man's ultimate happiness is found in God.

I don't know what Maslow means by "self-realization", but man's ultimate happiness is not found in man but in God:

St. Thomas Aquinas wrote 32 questions on happiness (felicitas) in his Treatise on Man's Last End (Summa Theologica I-II qq. 1-5) or purpose, which he says is twofold:

  • to attain happiness, which is "the acquisition of the last end" or purpose (ibid. q. 1 a. 8)


  • happiness itself, which is the last end.

cf. also his commentary on Aristotle's Ethics bk. 1, which is on happiness


Does God have self-realisation activities?

This reminds me of what St. Augustine wrote about the processions of the Persons of the Trinity in his On the Trinity book 10, "Chapter 12.β€” The Mind is an Image of the Trinity in Its Own Memory, and Understanding, and Will."

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