Young Earth Creationists vs. Old Earth Creationists


Accepted answer

I'm very hesitant to answer anything on this as no matter what position I take, it will incite endless debate and comments. However, I believe there is a simple answer that all sides can hold as acceptable truth.

The fact is that we all have the same evidence. Whether Atheist, Christian, Buddhist, Wiccan, YEC, OEC, the evidence never changes.

The difference lies in how we interpret the evidence.

To list off a few:

Note, the OEC view is lumped with the Naturalist view, simply because they are similar. OEC incorporates the idea of old-earth, and even the possibility of evolution after creation. I'm not attempting to make any statement beyond that.

  • Evidence: The existence of fossils of animals that are no longer alive. (Dinosaurs)

    • YEC view - Dinosaurs were real animals created by God. They're mentioned in the Bible, and depicted in art all over the world (as dragons). They were likely more prevalent before the flood, when conditions on the earth were drastically different (admittedly a supposition based on loose interpretation of scripture)
    • OEC and naturalistic View - What we're taught in the textbooks. They lived millions of years ago, dies out long ago.
  • Evidence - Similar structures in a wide variety of animals. For example, whales have bone structure in their flippers remarkably similar to hands on humand and primates.

    • YEC view - We believe similar design is evidence for a common Designer.
    • OEC/Naturlaist view - Common features indicate a common origin, from which these current features evolved.

The list goes on forever. The expanding universe, evidence for the Big Bang, geologic structures, dating methods, all have the same physical evidence. The tests we can perform have the same results regardless of who is performing them. Again, the difference is in the interpretation, not evidence.

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