Who are the "Sons of Israel" mentioned in Numbers 28


As has been said above, "Sons of Israel" refers to, literally, the 12 sons of the man Israel. However, It also refers to their children, etc. - and thus is another name for the Israelites. (Note that this manner of naming was a common practice - Jos 15:14 for example)

I did not search to determine what translation you are using, but in the KJV and NIV84 the verse definitely seems more clear than that which you are reading from - however, in answer to your question, from the context of the end of chapter 27 of the book, the phrase for children/sons of Israel, does seem to be referring to all of them. There is no indication of anything else occurring, and there is no theological nor practical prevention of this being the case. I understand why you ask the question, as it does seem like rather technical information being passed on here - but there's no reason to think that those to whom it is being spoken are only the levites, priests, or some specific group.

One could certainly speculate as to why God had this spoken to all of Israel, but I think in knowing the purpose of the law and commandments, the purpose of this telling-forth of the required sacrifices is more clear.

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