Does 'Traditionis Custodes' have any effect on Novus Ordo mass?


Does 'Traditionis Custodes' have any effect on Novus Ordo mass?

The short answer yes!

That yes seems to be both a positive and negative outlook.

At the present moment in time this motu proprio does not alter anything within the Ordinary Form of the Mass.

Traditionis Custodes clearly deals with the Extraordinary Form of the Mass only. It does not affect the Ordinary Form of the Mass. But it may still have secondary effects on the Ordinary Form of the Mass.

Traditionis Custodes is clearly a motu proprio to be seen as an edict to suppress the very Tradition of the Traditional Form of the Latin Mass. It seems Pope Francis has shown his true colours in regards to tradition.

Pope Francis took sudden steps on July 16, 2021, to curtail the traditional Latin Mass, in an abrupt reversal of his predecessor’s policy.

Although some bishops have announced an immediate halt to the celebration of the Traditional Latin Mass, and that means only the Ordinary Form of the Mass is permitted within their diocese. Thus it affects both Forms or the Mass. The number of faithful in the Ordinary Form of the Mass has been momentarily increased.

In some dioceses, the faithful are now going to the Extraordinary Form of the Mass in record numbers in support of the Traditional Mass of Pope pius V, since the pope’s motu proprio publication. How permanent this trend is, only time will tell.

Will Novus Ordo Mass attendees move over to the Traditional Mass permanently or will traditionalists be forced to abdicate the traditions they love only time will tell! I sense that that this particular question will be known within the next few years.

To Catholics and many non-Catholics, the decision may seem on first glance to be a technical.

But it sent shock waves throughout the Church. Some scholars believe this move may be the most important action Francis has taken in an eventful papacy.

All Catholics are entitled to their liturgical preferences, regarding, say, church architecture, the hymns selected for the Mass, the priest’s presiding style and so forth. But again, whatever one thinks of the Latin Mass, none of this bodes well for Church unity.

In my own diocese, things will not change much. (See: Pope’s Latin Mass letter unlikely to lead to major changes in Archdiocese of Vancouver)

Nota Bene: This document is still very fresh and as such all the implications and intellectually formed reactions are still in the process of being determined.

Let us remember that the Vatican sent Extraordinary Form Mass survey to world’s bishops, but motu proprio makes no mention of the feedback received and speculation is that the feedback was in fact in favour of the Old Rite.

In my humble opinion, which counts for nothing, this could very well backfire on Pope Francis. The next Supreme Pontiff will more than likely reverse this decision.

Pope Francis had offered a written explication of why he made his motu proprio: Letter of the Holy Father Franci to the Bishops ot the whole world that accompanies the Apostolic Letter Motu Data Proprio “Traditionis Custodes”.

The primary motivation seems to indicate: making sure the groups who use the 1962 are not doing it to reject The Second Vatican Council’s validity.

Some Bishops are still desiring to see the raw data that prompted this motu proprio. At least, all the voting held by the Second Vatican Council is known.

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