Thomas a doctor?


Thomas was a twin. But unlike the other two sets of brothers James and John or Peter and Andrew, where's Thomas' twin?

Thomas is not so much a doubter, as one who has suffered loss. He wasn't there Sunday afternoon, while the other apostles had gathered.

Then said Thomas, which is called Didymus, unto his fellowdisciples, Let us also go, that we may die with him. John 11:16

So no, Thomas is not Luke.


It is possible, but that isn't enough. In John 20:19, 20, Jesus appears to the disciples and shows them his wounds. When the disciples tell Thomas, he says he won't believe unless he sees this for himself. Since the disciples weren't present during the crucifixion, the disciples must have told Thomas about the wounds, which prompted Thomas to even mention them.

Nothing about Thomas being a doctor is given as the reason he wanted to see the wounds himself. When Jesus appears a week later, he tells Thomas to touch the wounds. I find this to be insufficient to support or establish the likelihood of Thomas being a doctor.

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