Is the 10/40 window term used by Christian missionaries sort of quaint and grossly oversimplified?


The whole point of the expression "the 10/40 window" is based on a geographical area between 10 and 40 degrees north of the equator:

The 10/40 Window is a term coined by Christian missionary strategist and Partners International CEO Luis Bush in 1990 to refer to those regions of the eastern hemisphere, plus the European and African part of the western hemisphere, located between 10 and 40 degrees north of the equator, a general area that was purported to have the highest level of socioeconomic challenges and least access to the Christian message and Christian resources on the planet.

Source: Wikipedia entry "10/40 window"

That was then. I think it is safe to say that 30 years later, missionary activity has spread far beyond the limitations of that geographical area.

As for the expression being quaint and grossly oversimplified, that is a matter of opinion. What is important is that the good news of God's kingdom is being preached throughout the inhabited earth, and not just by missionaries working in different countries.

A rose by any other name would smell just as sweet, spiritually speaking.

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