Who did God talk to in Scripture?


Accepted answer
  • Adam and Eve (in Genesis)
  • Cain (in genesis)
  • Noah (in Genesis)
  • Abraham (in Genesis)
  • Satan (in Job)
  • Job, Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar, and possibly Elihu (in Job, from a whirlwind)
  • Moses (in Exodus, Numbers, possibly Deuteronomy)
  • Aaron and Miriam (in Numbers 12)
  • Samuel (in 1 Samuel)
  • Elijah (the still small voice of 1 Kings 19)
  • King Belshazzar and his banquet guests (Daniel 5, if you consider writing to be speech: the finger writing on the wall)
  • the crowd surrounding John the Baptist at Jesus' baptism
  • Paul on the road to Damascus (in Acts)
  • the Apostle John (in Revelation, technically a vision)

Some Theophanies are uncertain. Joshua met an angel with a sword which many believe to be the angel of the Lord, making it more than an angelic visitiation or a vision.

Many prophets begin their accounts saying that the Word of the Lord came to them. It is not spelled out in each case whether that was direct appearance, dream, vision, or strong inner voice, so we cannot say.

Fun fact: Of all the recorded instances where God spoke directly to people, his longest address was to Job.


The audience at Jesus' baptism.

While he was still speaking, a bright cloud overshadowed them, and behold, a voice out of the cloud said, β€œThis is My beloved Son, with whom I am well-pleased; listen to Him!” Matt. 17:5


All the people that Jesus "talked to" in the Gospels were "talked to" by God, since Jesus is God. In addition, in Acts, Jesus appeared in a blinding apparition to Saul (who became Paul) and talked to him. That is why we call Paul the "post-resurrection apostle."

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