(Jehovah's Witnesses view) Jesus statement about Great Tribulation and the situation due to which "no flesh will be saved"


Accepted answer

Jehovah's Witnesses believe the prophecy at Matthew 24:15-22 has a double fulfillment.

The first fulfillment came about when the Roman army surrounded Jerusalem in 66 C.E., but then the attack was cut short when the Roman army suddenly withdrew. The faithful disciples in Jerusalem and Judea recognized this as their chance to escape, while the rest of the city thought it was a victory. The Roman army then returned and destroyed the city in 70 C.E.

In parallel, the second fulfillment will come about in the Great Tribulation. At that time, there will be an initial attack on religion by the "disgusting thing ... standing in a holy place," which is the United Nations. The attack will be cut short to spare the true religion from being destroyed also.

Here's an infographic from the 2013 Watchtower article, "Tell Us, When Will These Things Be?"

Great Tribulation Infographic

In summary:

  1. The attack is against religions and their adherents.
  2. The attack is caused by the world's governments by means of the United Nations.

For a much more detailed analysis of the events leading up to Armageddon, see the book God's Kingdom Rules, chapter 21: "God's Kingdom Removes Its Enemies."

P.S. I'm impressed by how in-depth this question is. There are a lot more research tools that can help you find answers quicker in the future. One of the most useful ones is the Publications Index, where you can find publications by Scripture or by topic. (It's what I used to find information for this answer.) You can also use the search feature on https://wol.jw.org for a broader range of articles than are available on just the main site.

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