What are the mechanics of interaction with the Holy Spirit?


Accepted answer

Note: This response was written in response to the question as it was originally worded, which was in the form of a request for reference works.

It sounds like you're looking for works in the discipline of "pneumatology," the study of the Holy Spirit.

Prefatory blathering, because I like to write:

Great men have lamented the extent to which scholars' pens have neglected the work of the Holy Spirit throughout history. The protests of venerable Christian leaders notwithstanding, books about the one whom the Bible calls the "Spirit of Truth" are almost rare when compared with the vast numbers of pages devoted to the Father and the Son.

It's worth reflecting on the fact that the Holy Spirit is the one who enables, encourages, and facilitates Christians' efforts to grow in conformity to God's Son, and one of the primary resources provided for Christians who seek to do so is the Bible -- that is, disciples follow Christ by learning (through reading and/or hearing) about his life and teaching, and putting what they learn into practice. One of the primary roles of the Holy Spirit is to enable Christians to understand what they learn about the triune God; AFAIK, he does not provide separate teachings distinct from what is offered through the Father and the Son.

A few actual resources:

  • Volume 1, chapter 8 of Hodge's Systematic Theology is about the Holy Spirit.
  • John Owen, an important Reformer, wrote a thousand-plus page book called Pneumatologia that could keep anyone busy for a lifetime.
  • Abraham Kuyper wrote a book called The Work of the Holy Spirit that looks interesting. He was a nineteenth century Dutch Calvinist, and I'm not familiar with his work, but the biographical sketch that I read looks clear.
  • Spurgeon sermons, numbers: 278, 738, 167, 630, 465, 2907, 3048, 2382, 1532, 1708, 1662, 2074, 1870, 1877, 201, 574, 178 -- and more.

There are, of course, many more resources out there, but those titles provide a good place to start.

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