What Bible passage does this $1,000,000 dollar bill reference?


Accepted answer

The first part is short for John 3:16 which reads (KJV):

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

The second part is short for Do You Believe, with 3 in the place of E, and is asked in reference to the aforementioned verse.

The second part is referring to the invitation to believe on Jesus for eternal life, asking, "Do you believe?"


The other answers are correct about JN316 probably being a reference to John 3:16, and D0UB3L13V3 asking the question "Do you believe".

Just wanted to add about the "D4" that this may mean "Died for", i.e. it is a reference to that Jesus gave his life in behalf of humankind.

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