The Journal of Buddhist Ethics might be one, but Atma would not call it "Buddha Dhamma" journal; yet it is another Buddhism nourishing place with interest to put the Dhamma into the ways of thinking of people in the world, rather that otherwise.
They are for sure in line with your thoughts and intentions.
For a more or lesser traditional place it might be useful to get in contact with http://www.bps.lk/ which is for sure the most known one and inventor of certain "Trade on Dhamma", made it presentable even for monastics.
As for Dhamma in line of Dhamma, Atma is not aware of any journal. http://www.inquiringmind.com/ might have tried such ways, but finished its task.
For sure not a final answer but maybe it give some thoughts.
Well known university journals are maybe:
German and British Scholars are historical in a strong battle in regard of Buddhist topics on Papañca and translations.