Can karma be destroyed by other Niyamas?


They can influence Karma and affect Vipaka(result). ex: The reason why mangoes taste the way they taste is due to Bija Niyama & Uttu Niyama. Not because of Karma. So when you eat a mango, the pleasurable feeling at the tongue arises due to Karma. But Karma cannot make it taste like an apple, if you eat a mango. The nature of the pleasure is conditioned by other Niyamas.

Similarly, they could potentially make some Karma defunct(Ahosi) by not giving them the chance to come into fruition. ex: When the world system is about to be destroyed, if you do a Karma that can only give result in the sensual realm, it could become defunct due to the destruction of the sensual realm.


Kamma is destroyed only by the Dhamma Niyama of not-self (anatta).

Just this noble eightfold path — right view, right resolve, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, right concentration — is the path of practice leading to the cessation of kamma. AN 6.63


No, if speaking of "can one deed make another undone" (MN 101), Breath, but by the deed of traing the mind, one can reach the ability to bear results of fruits from deeds easier. See the The Salt Crystal.

Since it has much impact of general ways of thinking, living mostly in a world of believe that unrightouseness could be corrected, the Essay Wisdom over Justice might give certain inspiration, dealing at least with this issue outwardly.

For Suttas (teachings) on kamma (actions) look up here: Kamma

In detail, of what certain sects see as skillful (here Niyamas), there are certainly deeds which are not benefical at all for even lighten effects of old kamma, not to speak of going beyound. But such would need the discussiin of each of this practices. Some of this classical are benefical, kusala-kamma.

To get rid of the effects of ones previous deeds eternally, there is just one refuge: Nibbana.

[Note: This is a gift of Dhamma, not meant for commercial purposes or other low wordily gains by means of trade and exchange]

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