Is working in government insurance company right livelihood?


I worked for two years for an insurance company, doing two jobs, namely, customer service when purchasing policies and insurance claims. It depends on the insurance company and how ethically it operates. I had no ethical issues in both of my jobs (particularly as I was able to negotiate outcomes). It was Right Livelihood. However, such jobs can easily become wrong livelihood if the organisation is unethical. I recommend to apply for the jobs and particularly focus on a task that has the least potential ethical conflict (such as customer service rather than claims).


I don't see any reason why wouldn't it be - it is not meat business or dealing with arms, or criminal activity, therefore isn't causing harm as a result of such business dealings.

After all, insurance is a positive thing as it helps the person in the case of unforeseen event.

Also here, What is exactly Right Livelihood as a reference from sutras. Furthermore, I advise watching What is right livelihood by Ajahn Brahm where it’s thoroughly explained.

From my perspective, make sure the company is not scammers and make it clear that your religion does not allow you to lie and twist the truth if sales is your department. Your intentions on why you work are important here.

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