Dukkha has many meanings. It also means changing, impermanent, subject to destruction, then yes, ignorance is dukkha because it is impermanent. To put it in perspective, wisdom or Panna is also Dukkha because it is subject to decay and ending. Wisdom ends when name-form ends. Ignorance (as well as wisdom) is PratΔ«tyasamutpΔna-dhamma (conditoned dhamma). The things that beings are ignorance of is the four noble truths. that's why beings are constantly searching for sensual pleasures (or in finer cases, pleasures from rupa and arupa bliss). We dont know that things we are searching for are reasons why we suffer.
1) Loba, 2) dosa, 3) moha lead to -ve karma.
4) Aloba, 5) adosa, 6) amoha lead to +ve karma.
All the 6 items above are called the roots, and both +ve and -ve Karma lead to future existence:
The experience and perceiving the experience is the unsatisfactory part. Your understanding (that ignorance is dukkha) equates the cause with the effect: but this not how it is dealt with in the doctrine.